Shuvendu Roy

Hi! I'm Shuvendu Roy, a Ph.D Student, at Ambient Intelligence and Interactive Machines Laboratory (Aiim Lab) and Ingenuity Labs Research Institute, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada. I am very fortunate to be supervised by Prof. Ali Etemad. My research focus is Computer Vision and Deep Learning with special interest on Unsupervised learning (e.g. Self-supervised learning, and Semi-supervised learning).

A summary of my profile is as follows: Published in top tier conference and journals such as ACII, ICMI; Skilled in python and different machine learning libraries (Pytorch, Tensorflow, etc); Experienced in deep learning method and model designing, training and deployment; Four years of involvement in academic and industry research of machine learning methods; Previous job experiences in software, telecom companies on deep learning based projects.

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Recent Updates!

  • [May 2023] Starting working at Google as a Student Researcher
  • [Feb 2023] One paper accepted in ICASSP'23
  • [Jul 2022] One paper accepted in ACII'22
  • [Jan 2022] Started Ph.D. at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
  • [Dec 2021] One paper accepted at AAAI'22 Workshop on Human-Centric Self-Supervised Learning
  • [Aug 2021] One paper accepted at ICMI'21